Groundhouse is our own artisan coffee brand, serving small-batch, slow-roasted coffee in all its forms, from a smooth, velvety latte to a flavoursome flat white.


Groundhouse was conceived as a way to bring the excitement surrounding independent coffee culture into the workplace, an injection of artisan coffee experience to liven up the working day.

We were born out of a counter-culture, a reaction against brand monotony and the tired high street. It is exactly this buzz that sets us out from the rest of the pack. That, and our fantastic coffee.

The Ground Crew

Quality. It’s what we’re all about – our coffee, our people and our service. In our experience, it’s hard to create the first without having the second.

We think producing great coffee is a craft. Harvesting, processing and shipping the coffee cherry (honestly, it is a cherry) alone can take six months; all that care and dedication will count for nothing if the coffee falls into the hands of a beginner barista.

Groundhouse baristas complete our national barista academy program to ensure they respect the bean and harvest its flavours to the full, producing the finest extracted espresso to blend beautifully aromatic, delicious drinks.

The coffee

Coffee – the worlds favourite fruit and second most traded commodity. We obviously have a thing for black liquids.

As for us, we have two distinctive in-house blends: Blend 7 and Blend 3. We’re proud that our coffee is sustainably grown and ethically sourced. Of course we have a mountain of accreditations (Fairtrade, Rain Forest Alliance and Certified Organic), but we also go the extra mile with our Give Back Programme. We’re all about amazing coffee done right.

Coffee: Blend 7

Tasting Notes

Exceptionally aromatic, with hints of rich chocolate, deep soft caramel and sweet fruity undertones. Slowly roasted, the beans release a pungent sweetness and full-bodied flavour that lends itself beautifully to espressos or when blended with milk.


An Arabica blend from sustainable smallholdings in Central & South America. Blend 7 is sourced seasonally, which ensures flavour consistency at all times of the year. It is grown on Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance certified farming co-operatives including CAPUCAS in Honduras and Sol y Café in Peru.

Coffee: Blend 3

Tasting Notes

Punchy and full-bodied, with dark chocolate and dried apricot notes. Blend 3 is ideal for a fragrant and flavoursome cappuccino or latte. A unique blend of both Arabica and Robusta beans gives Blend 3 its distinctively bold taste profile.


Dependent on the season Blend 3 uses Fairtrade coffee beans grown by small holder co-operatives in Brazil, Vietnam and Central America such as SOPPEXCCA, our Nicaraguan partners. These Arabica elements are then rounded off by a Fairtrade-sourced Robusta, a crucial addition to our unique blend.

The art of flexibility

We don’t believe in a ‘one size fits all’ service, and neither do our clients. You’re looking for a coffee service to fit around your business’ needs, not the other way round.

Groundhouse was developed to suit a wide variety of workplace environments; from a full Barista coffee shop experience to a high-quality automated service, and everything in between. We’ve taken on the high street in taste tests, and have always come out on top, and we’d love the opportunity to do a tasting soon in a workplace near you.

The Give Back Programme

Dedication to serving the best coffee is one thing. But we’re also dedicated to giving our farmers a fair deal – not just with all our certifications but also through the Give Back programme. Every time you buy a coffee, we buy the beans. And we set aside money from this purchase to fund much needed projects for our farmers, their families, and community.

Our current Give Back scheme helps support young female and male entrepreneurs in Honduras by sponsoring their attendance at Business School. The community struggles to keep young people in the region, so giving them opportunities like this is absolutely vital for the future. So, you know that every time you buy a coffee from us, you’re having a positive impact on the community that grew it.

Let’s Talk Catering

It’s good to talk, but it’s even better to listen. We’re good listeners. By keeping quiet and letting you do the talking we can work out what you want, what you need, what will and won’t work for you. We can deal with the budgets and costings (boring but essential) then get on with the exciting bit, creating a catering solution designed for you, and you alone.

Only a fool argues with a skunk, a mule or a cook.

Old Cowboy Saying

After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.

Oscar Wilde

I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.

W.C. Fields

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.

J.R.R. Tolkien

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

A. Whitney Brown